ANGELE MOSS-BAKER, LPC, LMFT, MAC, SAP is a licensed mental health practitioner with extensive experience providing comprehensive, integrated treatment to individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. She is the sole proprietor of Comprehensive Addiction & Psychological Services LLC, located in the District of Columbia. Angele provides technical assistance, consultation, training/workshops to behavioral health practitioners to increase clinical competency and treatment outcomes for individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. 

Notably, Angele is the 1st Black President of the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA). Angele is co-author of Beyond a Perfect Storm: How Racism, COVID-19, and Economic Meltdown Imperil Our Mental Health and Counselor Licensure Interstate Portability Endorsement and Reciprocity Plan, AMHCA’S position paper on licensure portability for clInical mental health counselors.